
About Us

The purpose of this website is to offer information, support and assistance to those dealing with postpartum mood disorders, their families, friends, physicians and counselors. We strive to help those who have not been personally touched by postpartum mental illness understand that it is not something that one can "get over" or "wish away," or something that can necessarily be overcome with "more prayer" or "a better outlook."

Many people all over the world have been thrust into the world of postpartum mood disorders. While some are able to get effective treatment immediately, as well as adequate in-person support, many are unable to obtain the support and treatment needed. This site strives to be a resource for finding help locally, as well as offer support from others who have "been there, done that." Our forums, email group and chat rooms allow people who may be otherwise afraid or ashamed of their thoughts and fears to share what is happening inside of their minds. Some find it easier to type out their concerns without having to be in a "face-to-face" situation. In telling their stories in this manner, most women gain the confidence and support required to seek the help they have been afraid to get for themselves.

The founder of this site, Tonya Rosenberg, is not a medically trained professional. Rather, she is a mother of two who has lived through two bouts of postpartum mental illness, a woman who found it nearly impossible to get support in her small home town after the birth of her first child. In searching online during her second pregnancy, she found the predecessor of this site and the accompanying email list (now defunct). She joined that list at a time when the website administrator was seeking someone to take over the site, and when the email list was dwindling away. Tonya agreed to take over that website, and has since created this incarnation of the online postpartum support group. For all intents and purposes, Tonya views herself as the founder of this website, as none of the original content remains.

As the community at www.ppdsupportpage.com grows, so does the desire of Mrs. Rosenberg, Jessica Banas, and her fellow advocates to continue getting factual information "out there" and to offer support to others. If you would like to contribute your personal story, a book recommendation, or anything that would be beneficial to the visitors of this site, please select the "Contact" button at the top of the page. We thank you for your continued support and dedication to the issues surrounding postpartum mood disorders, and mental illness in general.

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